A great wee starter kit of 19 tiles ideal for a beginner. Various tiles – 4 small Bijou, ideal for simple monotangling, 4 Original Zentangle tiles, 2 prestrung tiles with different strings, and 9 of my own Artist tiles. Tools include a starter PN Micron pen, short pencil and both a tortillon and a paper stump to see which blending tool suits you best. A new tangler can start their journey with beautiful tools, and play with some options. If you are new to tangling, or want to introduce a friend, this is a good practical kit to start off with. Includes the canvas drawstring bag to keep your tools all together too!
Use it to accompany the Zentangle Primer book, or my Introduction to Zentangle video course packaged for learning at home with videos and e-materials to guide you along the way.