Tips & Tricks

Switching the Elements

Thinking about the wonderful simple strokes that make up Zentangle lines – a dot . a curve C, a double curve S, and a line I.
Spend a bit of time thinking about the fun you could have switching them up. A simple way to create some tangleations (variations of the tangle) is by switching the elemental stroke you use.
It’s a great way to play with tangling, as you don’t need to learn a new tangle, you can choose some you already know well and have fun playing switch with your elemental strokes. So where there is a straight line – draw it curved, and then try vice versa. Instead of a single curve can it work with a double curved line?

It doesn’t take too much thinking once you get into it. You can still be mindful with your pen, no decision making (other than not doing the elemental stroke you usually do) , as you know what your next step of the tangle is going to be, as you already know that tangle; it is easy to let the structure flow. So the switch from curve to straight or the straight to the curve and relish the ‘opposite’ creative results.

So here are my opposite element tangleations on Flux, Arukas, Henna Drum and Jonqual. A fun pair of tiles.